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Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2022. 239 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551820


As síndromes hipertensivas da gestação são as complicações mais frequentes das gestação. Os objetivos dessa tese foram avaliar a associação entre as síndromes hipertensivas da gestação e a prematuridade com base em estudos que compuseram uma revisão integrativa, e verificar o efeito causal dessa exposição sobre a prematuridade precoce e tardia com base em dados de âmbito nacional. Por isso, essa tese foi estruturada sob a forma de dois artigos. O primeiro artigo investigou as divergências metodológicas entre os estudos que avaliaram a associação entre as síndromes hipertensivas da gestação e a prematuridade através de uma revisão integrativa da literatura realizada entre setembro de 2020 e janeiro de 2021. A busca dos artigos foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Embase, Web of Science e Scopus com base na combinação dos descritores "Pregnancy Induced Hypertension", "High Risk", Pregnancy", "Prematurity, "Prematury Birth", "Premature Neonate", "Neonate Prematurity". Foram encontrados 582 artigos, sendo nove selecionados. As principais disparidades metodológicas observadas foram relativas à classificação das síndromes hipertensivas da gestação, da prematuridade e controle de confundidores. Mesmo diante disso, verificou-se associação entre as diferentes categorias das síndromes hipertensivas da gestação e a prematuridade. O segundo artigo utilizou dados do estudo de âmbito nacional e de base hospitalar, intitulado Inquérito Nacional sobre Parto e Nascimento: "Nascer no Brasil", conduzido entre fevereiro de 2011 a outubro de 2012, com entrevista a 23.894 mulheres. Para esse artigo, a amostra foi composta por 20.494 puérperas, sendo que 2.369 mulheres apresentaram síndrome hipertensivas da gestação que compreendeu a síntese das respostas positivas para qualquer uma das questões relativas ao aumento da pressão arterial, presença de pré-eclâmpsia, Síndrome HELLP contidas nos questionários preenchidos com dados do prontuário hospitalar e do cartão de pré-natal. O desfecho foi categorizado em prematuridade precoce (<34 semanas de gestação) e tardia (34-36 semanas de gestação). Para a realização das análises, foi elaborado um gráfico acíclico direcionado para identificar as covariáveis de ajuste necessárias para estimar o efeito causal das síndromes hipertensivas da gestação sobre a prematuridade. As variáveis que constituíram o conjunto mínimo de ajuste foram a idade materna, escolaridade materna, situação conjugal, paridade, índice de massa corporal pré-gestacional, ganho de peso gestacional, doença autoimune, doença renal crônica, diabetes mellitus pré-gestacional, diabetes mellitus gestacional, anemia materna, infecção do trato urinário e adequação do pré-natal. Em seguida, aplicou-se o método de ponderação pelo VIII escore de propensão para lidar com o desbalanceamento entre os grupos expostos e não expostos. Dentre os prematuros (2139), 2,6% foram precoces e 7,8%, tardios. Após a ponderação pelo escore de propensão, as mulheres com síndromes hipertensivas da gestação apresentaram 2,74 vezes a chance de terem prematuros precoces (ORaj: 2,74; IC95%: 2,12- 3,54) e 2,40, de terem prematuros tardios (Oradj: 2,40; IC95%: 1,86-3,08). Verificou-se, em publicações prévias, associação entre as síndromes hipertensivas da gestação e a prematuridade. E com base no uso do método de escore de propensão, foi possível avaliar o efeito causal dessa exposição sobre a prematuridade precoce e tardia. Com base nesses resultados, é importante ressaltar a importância da adequação do pré-natal para diagnosticar precocemente e tratar as mulheres com síndromes hipertensivas visando a redução das complicações decorrentes desta condição clínica, sobretudo à prematuridade.

The hypertensive syndromes of pregnancy are the most frequent complications of pregnancy. The objectives of this thesis were to evaluate the association between hypertensive syndromes of pregnancy and prematurity based on studies that were part of an integrative review and to verify the causal effect of this exposure on early and late prematurity based on national data. Therefore, this thesis was structured in the form of two articles. The first article investigated the methodological differences between the studies that evaluated the association between the hypertensive syndromes of pregnancy and prematurity through an integrative literature review carried out between September 2020 and January 2021. The search for articles was carried out in the databases PubMed, Virtual Health Library, Embase, Web of Science and Scopus based on the combination of the descriptors "Pregnancy Induced Hypertension", "High Risk", Pregnancy", "Prematurity, "Premature Birth", "Premature Neonate", "Neonate Prematurity". A total of 582 articles were found, nine of which were selected. The main methodological differences observed were related to the classification of hypertensive syndromes of pregnancy, prematurity and confounding control. Even in the face of this, there was an association between the different categories of hypertensive syndromes of pregnancy and prematurity. The second article used data from a nationwide, hospital-based study entitled National Survey on Childbirth and Birth: "Born in Brazil", conducted between February 2011 and October 2012, with interviews with 23.894 women. For this article, the sample consisted of 20.494 puerperal women, of which 2.369 women had hypertensive pregnancy syndrome, which comprised the synthesis of positive responses to any of the questions related to increased blood pressure, presence of preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome contained in the questionnaires filled in with data from the hospital chart and prenatal card. The outcome was categorized into early (<34 weeks of gestation) and late (34-36 weeks of gestation) prematurity. To perform the analyses, an acyclic graph was designed to identify the adjustment covariates necessary to estimate the causal effect of the hypertensive syndromes of pregnancy on prematurity. The variables that constituted the minimum adjustment set were maternal age, maternal education, marital status, parity, pre-gestational body mass index, gestational weight gain, autoimmune disease, chronic kidney disease, pre-gestational diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus pregnancy, maternal anemia, urinary tract infection and adequacy of prenatal care. Then, the propensity score weighting method was applied to deal with the imbalance between exposed and unexposed groups. Among preterm infants (2.139), 2,6% were early and 7,8% were late. After weighting by the propensity score, women with hypertensive syndromes of X pregnancy were 2,74 times more likely to have early preterm infants (ORaj: 2,74; 95%CI: 2,12-3,54) and 2,40 of having late preterm infants (ORaj: 2,40; 95%CI: 1,86-3,08). In previous publications, an association was found between the hypertensive syndromes of pregnancy and prematurity. And based on the use of the propensity score method, it was possible to assess the causal effect of this exposure on early and late prematurity. Based on these results, it is important to emphasize the importance of adequate prenatal care for early diagnosis and treatment of women with hypertensive syndromes, aiming at reducing complications resulting from this clinical condition, especially prematurity.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Infant, Premature , Health Surveys , Parturition , Hypertension , Brazil
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 35: e210156, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406935


ABSTRACT Objective To assess the association of gestational weight gain inadequacies with sociodemographic indicators and characteristics of the living environment. Methods Cross-sectional study conducted in 2019 with a probabilistic sample of 3580 postpartum women who gave birth in maternity hospitals of the Unified Health System in the State of Santa Catarina. Prevalence was calculated and, using logistic regression models, odd ratios of inadequate and adequate gestational weight gain were estimated according to sociodemographic and health indicators (Body Mass Index, age, marital status, race/skin color and education); and characteristics of the neighborhood (violence, social cohesion, encouragement to practice physical activity and access to healthy food). Results It was observed that 29.6% of the mothers had adequate gestational weight gain, 29.3% insufficient and 41.1% excessive gestational weight gain. Lower chances of adequate weight gain were found in women with pre-pregnancy body mass index classified as overweight (43.0%) and obesity (58.0%) and who lived in an environment with social cohesion (25.0%). In contrast, the chances of adequate weight gain were 43.0% higher among women with 12 years of schooling or more when compared to those with 8 years or less. Conclusion Inadequate gestational weight gain is associated with high pre-pregnancy body mass index, with social cohesion in the living environment and with a low level of education of the pregnant woman, requiring public policies that go beyond prenatal care.

RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a associação do ganho de inadequações do peso gestacional com indicadores sociodemográficos e características do ambiente de residência. Métodos Estudo transversal realizado em 2019, com amostra probabilística de 3.580 puérperas que realizaram o parto no Sistema Único de Saúde em maternidades do Estado de Santa Catarina. Foram calculadas as prevalências e, por meio de modelos de regressão logística, foram estimadas razões de chance de ganho de peso gestacional inadequado e adequado, segundo indicadores sociodemográficos e de saúde (Índice de Massa Corporal, idade, estado civil, raça/cor da pele e escolaridade) e características da vizinhança de residência (violência, coesão social, estímulo à prática de atividade física e acesso à alimentação saudável). Resultados Observou-se que 29,6% das puérperas tiveram ganho de peso gestacional adequado, 29,3% insuficiente e 41,1% excessivo. Menores chances de ganho de peso adequado foram encontradas em mulheres com índice de massa corporal pré-gestacional de sobrepeso (43,0%) e obesidade (58,0%) e que viviam em ambiente com coesão social (25,0%). Já as chances de ganho de peso adequado foram 43,0% maiores entre as mulheres com 12 anos ou mais de estudo quando comparadas àquelas com 8 anos ou menos. Conclusão O ganho de peso gestacional inadequado está associado com o índice de massa corporal pré-gestacional elevado, com a coesão social no ambiente de moradia e com a baixa escolaridade da gestante, exigindo políticas públicas que transcendam o cuidado básico do pré-natal.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Pregnant Women , Overweight/etiology , Gestational Weight Gain , Unified Health System , Pregnancy , Demography , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. inf. cient ; 100(4): e3438, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289655


RESUMEN Introducción: La depresión cardiorrespiratoria neonatal es un problema clínico que, en dependencia de su etiología, conduce a una alta morbilidad neurológica y elevada mortalidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar al recién nacido con depresión cardiorrespiratoria en el servicio de Neonatología del Hospital Ginecobstétrico "Fé del Valle Ramos", de Manzanillo, Granma. Método: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Se seleccionaron 88 neonatos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión de recién nacido con depresión cardiorrespiratoria. Los datos se recolectaron durante el período de enero de 2017 a diciembre de 2018. Se tomaron en cuenta las siguientes variables: puntaje de Apgar, años de estudio, sexo, tipo de depresión cardiorrespiratoria, peso al nacer, factores maternos, edad gestacional y afecciones asociadas. Resultados: La depresión severa al nacer predominó en la mayoría de los neonatos (56,8 %). Prevalecieron los recién nacido de buen peso (73,9 %), nacidos a término (77,2 %). Las infecciones maternas (45,5 %) durante la gestación, el tiempo de rotura de membranas prolongado (31,8 %) y la presencia de líquido amniótico meconial (30,7 %), constituyeron los factores maternos que mayor vínculo guardaron con el neonato deprimido. Conclusiones: Las infecciones maternas, la rotura prematura de membranas, la presencia de líquido amniótico meconial, los nacimientos por cesárea, la nuliparidad, prematuridad y el embarazo en la adolescencia, son algunos de los factores de riesgo relacionados en este estudio que guardan vínculo estrecho con el predominio de estas afecciones en los neonatos deprimidos.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The cardiorespiratory depression in neonates is a clinical complication that, depending on its etiology, leads to high neurological morbidity and mortality. Objective: To characterize neonates with cardiorespiratory depression treated in the neonatology service at the Hospital Ginecobstétrico "Fé del Valle Ramos" in Manzanillo, Granma. Method: A retrospective, observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. A total of 88 neonates with cardiorespiratory depression criteria were selected in the study. All information gathered includes the period January 2017 throughout December 2018. Variables assessed were as follow: Apgar score, years of study, sex, type of cardiorespiratory depression, birth weight, maternal factors, gestational age and associated conditions. Results: Severe depression at birth was predominant in most of neonates (56.8%). Newborn infants with a normal birth weight (73.9%), and born at term (77.2%) were predominant. Maternal infections during gestation (45.5%), prolonged rupture of membranes (31.8%) and the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid (30.7%) were the maternal factors most associated with depressed neonate. Conclusions: The maternal infections, premature rupture of membranes, the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid, cesarean birth, nulliparous status, premature and adolescent pregnancy are some of the risk factors assessed in this study that are closely linked to the prevalence of arising conditions in depressed neonates.

RESUMO Introdução: A depressão cardiorrespiratória neonatal é um problema clínico que, dependendo de sua etiologia, leva a alta morbidade neurológica e alta mortalidade. Objetivo: Caracterizar o recém-nascido com depressão cardiorrespiratória no serviço de Neonatologia do Hospital Gineco-obstétrico "Fé del Valle Ramos", Manzanillo, Granma. Método: Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo, observacional, descritivo e transversal. Foram selecionados oitenta e oito lactentes que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão de um recém-nascido com depressão cardiorrespiratória. Os dados foram coletados no período de janeiro de 2017 a dezembro de 2018. Foram consideradas as seguintes variáveis: índice de Apgar, anos de estudo, sexo, tipo de depressão cardiorrespiratória, peso ao nascer, fatores maternos, idade gestacional e condições associadas. Resultados: A depressão grave ao nascer prevaleceu na maioria dos neonatos (56,8%). Prevaleceram os recém-nascidos de bom peso (73,9%) e a termo (77,2%). Infecções maternas (45,5%) durante a gestação, tempo prolongado de ruptura da membrana (31,8%) e presença de líquido amniótico mecônio (30,7%) foram os fatores maternos mais associados ao neonato deprimido. Conclusões: Infecções maternas, ruptura prematura de membranas, presença de líquido amniótico mecônio, partos cesáreos, nuliparidade, prematuridade e gravidez na adolescência, são alguns dos fatores de risco relacionados neste estudo que estão intimamente ligados ao predomínio dessas condições na recém-nascidos deprimidos.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Apgar Score , Respiratory Insufficiency/epidemiology , Infant, Newborn, Diseases/mortality , Infant, Newborn, Diseases/epidemiology , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Observational Studies as Topic
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 86(3): 332-343, jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388657


Resumen La litiasis renal en la paciente gestante es una condición relativamente infrecuente; sin embargo, es la causa más común de dolor no obstétrico durante el embarazo. En el periodo de gestación se producen diversos cambios anatomofisiológicos en el tracto urinario, como la dilatación de los cálices renales, la pelvis renal y los uréteres por causa del efecto que ejerce la progesterona sobre el músculo liso uretral, y la compresión de los uréteres por el útero grávido. Estas modificaciones conducen a un aumento del flujo plasmático renal y de la tasa de filtrado glomerular, ocasionando hiperuricosuria e hipercalciuria. Del mismo modo, durante el embarazo también se produce un aumento de la secreción de inhibidores de cálculos, por lo cual la prevalencia de la formación de cálculos durante el embarazo es similar a la de las mujeres no embarazadas. El bajo índice de sospecha por parte del médico tratante puede entorpecer el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de esta patología, que también son limitados en la gestación debido a los potenciales riesgos teratogénicos. Se realiza una revisión narrativa de la literatura partiendo de la evidencia científica disponible en las diferentes bases de datos y de esta manera se pretende instruir al médico en los aspectos clave de dicho tema.

Abstract Renal lithiasis in pregnant women is a relatively rare condition. However, it is the most common cause of non-obstetric pain during pregnancy. During the gestation period, various anatomical-physiological changes occur in the urinary tract. These changes include dilation of the renal calyces, renal pelvis, and ureters due to the effect of progesterone on urethral smooth muscle and compression of the ureters by the gravid uterus. These modifications lead to an increase in renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate, thus causing hyperuricosuria and hypercalciuria. Similarly, during pregnancy there is also an increase in the secretion of stone inhibitors, therefore, the prevalence of stone formation during pregnancy is similar to non-pregnant women. The low index of suspicion on the part of the treating physician can hinder the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology, which is also limited in pregnancy due to teratogenic risks. A narrative review of the literature is carried out based on the scientific evidence available in the different databases and in this way it is intended to instruct the doctor in the key aspects of said topic.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications/therapy , Nephrolithiasis/diagnosis , Nephrolithiasis/therapy , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Algorithms , Risk Factors , Nephrolithiasis/etiology
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(2): 196-206, mar.-abr. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518272


Las pacientes infértiles tienen un riesgo aumentado de resultados obstétricos y perinatales adversos que dependen de los factores de infertilidad subyacentes previos y de factores inherentes a los tratamientos recibidos para lograr el embarazo. La edad materna, las patologías previas ginecológicas, hormonales, endocrinológicas, metabólicas y anatomo funcionales son reconocidas como factores de riesgo para resultados adversos obstétricos y perinatales. Los tratamientos como la hiperestimulación ovárica y los tratamientos de reproducción asistida condicionan riesgos adicionales, especialmente por el aumento de embarazos múltiples que se generan con estas terapias. El aumento de la edad materna de pacientes tratadas por infertilidad y la necesidad creciente de tratamientos de reproducción asistida determinan probablemente, un mayor riesgo futuro de complicaciones obstétricas y perinatales. Muchos de estos factores de riesgo pueden ser modificados y manejados antes de iniciar los tratamientos con la finalidad de mejorar el pronóstico para la madre y el recién nacido. La consideración de estos factores de riesgo y sus consecuencias en el embarazo son parte esencial del consejo reproductivo que debiera recibir toda paciente que se somete a tratamientos por infertilidad.El objetivo de esta revisión es mostrar la relación existente entre las pacientes que consultan por infertilidad, los tratamientos usados y los potenciales riesgos obstétricos y perinatales cuando se produce el embarazo.

Infertile patients have an increased risk of adverse obstetric and perinatal outcomes that depend on underlying infertility factors and on those treatments recieved to become pregnant. Maternal age, hormonal, endocrinologial, metabolic and anatomic/functional gynecological diseases are widely recognized risk factors for adverse obstetric and perinatal outcomes. Infertility treatments like controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and assisted reproductive technologies add aditional risks, specially related to multiple pregnancies that are associated to. The higher maternal age of patients seeking for infertility treatment and the increasing need of assisted reproductive technologies probably determines a higher and increasing risk of obstetric and perinatal adverse outcomes. In many cases risk factors can be adequately modified and controlled before treatments are initiated thus improving maternal and neonatal prognosis. This risk factors and their consequences in pregnancy have to be strongly considered in reproductive counselling that should recieve every patient treated for infertility.The aim of this article is to show the relation between infertile patients seeking for treatment and their potential risks of obstetric and perinatal adverse outcomes when they get pregnant.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted/adverse effects , Infertility/therapy , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Pregnancy, Multiple , Pregnancy Outcome , Fetal Diseases , Infant, Newborn, Diseases
Revagog (Impresa) ; 3(1): 16-21, ene-mar. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1371587


En Guatemala, el embarazo en la adolescencia es un problema social, que repercute seriamente en el desarrollo de los adolescentes. El fenómeno se vincula, directamente, con los factores económicos y, sobre todo, con el acceso a la educación y la información, aspectos que de ser accesibles ayudarían a promover un cambio favorable entre las personas con menos recursos. La edad avanzada en el embarazo representa un factor de riesgo de morbimortalidad materna, perinatal e infantil. Se realizo un Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, se revisaron las papeletas médicas de todas las pacientes embarazadas que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Dentro del estudio se incluyeron 289 pacientes, se observó mayor prevalencia de pacientes >35 años, respecto a los antecedentes prenatales, la edad gestacional más prevalente fue 37 a 41 semanas, el promedio de número de citas de control prenatal fue de 2.98, las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron infección y trabajo de parto pretérmino. En cuanto a los antecedentes natales, la Cesárea trans peritoneal fue la vía de resolución más prevalente y la asfixia perinatal fue la complicación más frecuente. Se observó asociación estadísticamente significativa entre complicaciones pre, natales y post natales edad materna mayor a 35 años. El hallazgo de sobrepeso y obesidad en pacientes mayores a 35 años se puede asociar con la prevalencia de complicaciones y el bajo promedio del número de controles prenatal. La falta de asociación entre edad materna menor a 15 años y complicaciones puede ser atribuida a que estas pacientes llevan un mejor control prenatal, debido al seguimiento especializado que se cuenta por parte del MSPAS. (AU)

In Guatemala, teenage pregnancy is a social problem, which seriously affects the development of adolescents. The phenomenon is directly linked to economic factors and, above all, to access to education and information, aspects that if accessible would help promote a favorable change among people with fewer resources. Advanced age in pregnancy represents a risk factor for maternal, perinatal and infant morbidity and mortality. A retrospective descriptive study was carried out, the medical records of all pregnant patients who met the inclusion criteria were reviewed. The study included 289 patients, a higher prevalence of patients> 35 years of age was observed, with respect to prenatal history, the most prevalent gestational age was 37 to 41 weeks, the average number of prenatal control appointments was 2.98, complications the most frequent were infection and preterm labor. Regarding the natal history, trans peritoneal caesarean section was the most prevalent means of resolution and perinatal asphyxia was the most frequent complication. A statistically significant association was observed between prenatal and postnatal complications, maternal age greater than 35 years. The finding of overweight and obesity in patients older than 35 years can be associated with the prevalence of complications and the low average number of prenatal check-ups. The lack of association be-tween maternal age less than 15 years and complications can be attributed to the fact that these patients have better prenatal control, due to the specialized follow-up provided by the MSPAS. (AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Pregnancy in Adolescence , Asphyxia Neonatorum/complications , Perinatal Care/methods , Socioeconomic Factors , Pregnancy/physiology , Cesarean Section/methods , Adolescent , Vaginosis, Bacterial/diagnosis , Observational Studies as Topic
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 37(1): e3800, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341389


Introducción: La infección de vías urinarias es recurrente en el embarazo y generadora de complicaciones. Objetivo: Presentar un plan de cuidados enfermero a una mujer con diagnóstico infección de vías urinarias y amenaza de aborto Métodos: Caso clínico de paciente admitida en unidad de Ginecología y Obstetricia del Hospital General de Teziutlán, Puebla, México, durante 2019. Siguiendo la lógica del proceso de enfermería, la valoración se fundamentó en los patrones funcionales de salud de Marjory Gordon. Fueron utilizadas las terminologías normalizadas de enfermería: Diagnósticos ( Resultados (NOC) e Intervenciones (NIC). Resultados: Se identificaron cuatro diagnósticos de enfermería: deterioro de la eliminación urinaria, gestión ineficaz de la propia salud, disposición para mejorar la nutrición y riesgo de alteración de la díada materno/fetal, este último diagnóstico principal. Además, un Resultado NOC (Conocimiento: Control de Infección), cuatro indicadores y la escala de nunca a siempre demostrado; cuatro Intervenciones NIC, con 19 actividades. La evaluación transitó desde 12 (puntuación inicial) a 19 (puntuación final), de 20 como puntuación diana. Conclusión: La integración de las taxonomías NANDA, NIC, NOC y los patrones funcionales de salud de Marjory Gordon permitió diseñar el plan de cuidado de la embarazada, fueron articulados diagnósticos, resultados e intervenciones de enfermería que favorecieron la relación enfermera-paciente-contexto sociocultural, para llevar el cuidado hasta una concepción sistémica que permita el seguimiento y control de la embarazada(AU)

Introduction: Urinary tract infection is recurrent in pregnancy and causes complications. Objective: To present a nursing care plan provided to a woman with a diagnosis of urinary tract infection and threatened miscarriage. Methods: Clinical case of a patient admitted to the gynecology and obstetrics unit of General Hospital of Teziutlán (Puebla, Mexico) during 2019. Following the logic of the nursing process, the assessment was based on Marjory Gordon's functional health patterns. The standard nursing terminologies were used: diagnostics (NANDA-I), outcomes (NOC) and interventions (NIC). Results: Four nursing diagnoses were identified: deterioration of urinary elimination, ineffective self-health management, willingness to improve nutrition, and risk for alterations in maternal-fetal dyad, the latter being the main diagnosis. In addition, a NOC outcome (knowledge: infection control), four indicators and the never-to-always scale upon demonstration, as well as four NIC interventions, with nineteen activities, were obtained. Evaluation ranged from twelve (initial score) to nineteen (final score), with twenty as target score. Conclusion: The integration of the NANDA, NIC and NOC taxonomies together with the Marjory Gordon's functional health patterns allowed the design of the pregnant woman's care plan, with an articulation between nursing diagnoses, outcomes and interventions, which favored the nurse-patient-sociocultural context relationship, up to considering care based on a systemic conception that allows monitoring and control of the pregnant woman(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Urinary Tract Infections/diagnosis , Abortion, Threatened/diagnosis , Reproductive Tract Infections/etiology , Nursing Process
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 21(supl.2): 337-353, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279610


Abstract Objectives: reviewing the available literature on COVID-19 infection and the maternal and perinatal outcomes. Methods: this is a narrative review of the literature carried out from March to September 2020, usingthe MESH: coronavirus, Covid 19, SARS-CoV-2, pregnancy, gravidity, pregnancy complications and pregnancy complications infectius. All study designs, reviews, recommendations and technical notes were included, without distinction of language and that would bring the approach of the new coronavirus in the gestational and perinatal scenario. Results: the COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects, affecting millions of people and claiming almost a million lives worldwide. Initially, pregnant women were not seen as a risk group for the disease, however as the proportion of women affected during the pregnancy-puerperal cycle increased, several studies were published showing an increased risk of complications. Brazilian studies have also warned of a high number of maternal deaths, associated with the presence of comorbidities but, above all, with the social determinants of the disease and serious failures in care. Conclusion: the need for new studies with an adequate research design was observed, as many studies are only letters or small series of cases, in addition expert recommendations, without the necessary scientific rigor.

Resumo Objetivos: revisar a literatura disponível sobre a COVID-19 e seus aspectos maternos e perinatais. Métodos: urna revisão narrativa de literatura foi realizada nos meses de março a setembro de 2020, utilizando os descritores, coronavirus, Covid 19, SARS-CoV-2, pregnancy, gravidity, pregnancy complications e pregnancy complications infectius. Foram incluidos todos os desenhos de estudo, revisões, recomendações e notas técnicas, sem distinção de idioma e que trouxessem a abordagem do novo coronavírus no cenárlo gestacional e perinatal. Resultados: a pandemia de COVID-19 vem apresentando efeitos devastadores, acometendo milhões depessoas e ceifando quase um milhão de vidas em todo o mundo. Inicialmente as gestantes não er am vistas como grupo de risco para a doença, porém na medida em que aumentou a proporção de mulheres acometidas durante o ciclo gravídico-puerperal diversos estudos foram publicados demostrando risco aumentado de complicações. Estudos brasileiros também alertaram para um número elevado de mortes maternas, associados à presença de comorbidades, mas, sobretudo, aos determinantes sociais da doença e a falhas graves da assistência. Conclusão: observou-se a necessidade de novos estudos com adequado delineamento de pesquisa, pois muitos estudos são apenas cartas ou pequenas séries de casos, além de recomendações de especialistas, sem o rigor científico necessário.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Risk Groups , Postpartum Period/physiology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Maternal Mortality , Maternal-Child Health Services , Perinatal Mortality , Social Determinants of Health
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 42(12): 787-792, Dec. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156061


Abstract Objective Urinay incontinence (UI) is amajor public health problemthat can harm women in any period of life, including during the gestational period. Urinary incontinence during pregnancy has been studied because this condition can reduce the quality of life and interfere in several aspects of the maternal-fetal binomial. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of UI in nullipara pregnant women and to identify risk factors associated with UI in this population. Methods This is a case-control study in which we invited nullipara women between 12 and 20 weeks of pregnancy to participate in the research. They were asked to answer a specific questionnaire, write a 3-day bladder diary, and undergo a urogynecological evaluation including pelvic organ prolapse quantification (POP-Q), empty stress supine test (ESST), and pelvic floor muscle assessment. Results A total of 70 out of 73 patients accepted to participate in the study, and the prevalence of UI in this population was 18.3%. Tobacco use was identified as an independent risk factor for UI in pregnant women (odds ratio 8.0). All other factors analyzed were not significantly associated to UI in pregnancy. Conclusion Urinary incontinence can be a major problem in pregnancy.We identified the use of tobacco as a risk factor for developing UI in pregnancy, which provides an extra reason to encourage patients to quit smoking.

Resumo Objetivo A incontinência urinária (IU) é um importante problema de saúde pública que pode trazer prejuízos àsmulheres emqualquer período da vida, inclusive durante o período gestacional. A IU durante a gravidez temsido estudada por ser capaz de reduzir a qualidade de vida e interferir em vários aspectos do binômio materno-fetal. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência de IU em gestantes nulíparas e identificar fatores de risco associados a essa população. Métodos Este é um estudo de caso-controle em que foram convidadas mulheres nulíparas entre 12 e 20 semanas de gravidez para participar do projeto. Elas foram submetidas a um questionário específico, diário miccional de 3 dias e avaliação uroginecológica, incluindo quantificação de prolapso de órgãos pélvicos (POP-Q), teste de esforço com volume residual e avaliação da musculatura do assoalho pélvico. Resultados Um total de 70 das 73 pacientes aceitaram participar do estudo, e a prevalência de incontinência urinária nessa população foi de 18,3%. O uso de tabaco foi identificado como fator de risco independente para a IU em gestantes (OR 8,0). Todos os outros fatores analisados não foram significativamente associados à perda urinária nessa população. Conclusão A incontinência urinária pode trazer prejuízos para pacientes durante o período da gestação. O tabagismo foi identificado como fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de IU emgestantes, o que denotamais ummotivo para encorajar as pacientes a abandonarem o hábito.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Prenatal Care , Urinary Incontinence/etiology , Parity , Brazil , Case-Control Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 64(5): 507-513, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131122


ABSTRACT As pregnant women are susceptible to changes in iodine, which can cause miscarriage, goiter, thyroid nodules, hypothyroidism, in addition to fetal neurological impairment or development. The aim of this study was to verify the implications of the iodine alteration in each gestational trimester and its consequences of physiological justification. The review was based on PRISMA. Searching for articles that took place in March 2020 without delimiting data. As bases consulted were the Clinical Trials, Cochrane Library, Lilacs and Medline (PubMed). The descriptors were combined as follows: "pregnancy" AND "iodine deficiency". Articles that addressed iodine deficiency and its implications were included. The selection followed the steps of reading the titles, abstracts and full articles. To assess the methodological quality of the studies, the STROBE Instruction instrument was used. The research resulted in 1,266 studies and 11 were included. In assessing methodological quality, the lowest score was and the maximum 20. According to studies, the fourth most affected by iodine loss are the second and third, it is possible to increase the volume and pneumatic nodules, subclinical hypothyroidism, pre-eclampsia, among others. The damages caused by iodine deficiency in the first or second trimester are still reversible, therefore, they need to be diagnosed early, to guarantee an iodic homeostasis and prevent damage to the health of the mother-child binomial.

Humans , Pregnancy , Child , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Goiter , Hypothyroidism/etiology , Iodine , Pregnancy Trimesters
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 42(6): 316-324, June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137839


Abstract Objective To evaluate the influence of health-related behaviors including food intake, physical activity, sleep time, smoking habits, stress, depression, and optimism on excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) among women with overweight and obesity. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Women's Hospital of the Universidade de Campinas, Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil, with 386 mediate postpartum women that fit the inclusion criteria of ≥ 19 years old, first prenatal care visit at or before 14 weeks, and single live baby. Dietary habits, physical exercise practice, sleep duration, smoking and alcohol habits were self-reported. Psychosocial history was evaluated using the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R). Sociodemographic, obstetric, anthropometric, and neonatal data were retrieved from medical records. Descriptive statistics and stepwise logistic regression were performed. Results The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 29.27% and 24.61%, respectively, according to the body mass index (BMI). Excessive GWG was observed in 47.79% of women with overweight and in 45.26% of women with obesity. Excessive GWG among overweight and obese women was associated with inadequate vegetable and bean consumption (odds ratio [OR] = 2.95, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.35-6.46 and OR = 1.91; 95%CI: 1.01-3.63, respectively) and stress (OR = 1.63; 95%CI 1.01-2.64). After adjustment by maternal age, multiparity, sleep duration, smoking, and alcohol intake, we found that stress (PSS ≥ 20) was associated with excessive GWG in women with overweight or obesity (OR: 1.75; 95%CI: 1.03-2.96). Conclusion Among women with overweight and obesity, stress is the main variable associated with excessive GWG. Inadequate vegetables and beans consumption also showed association with excessive GWG.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a influência de comportamentos relacionados à saúde: ingestão alimentar, atividade física, tempo de sono, tabagismo, estresse, depressão e otimismo no ganho de peso gestacional (GPG) excessivo em mulheres com sobrepeso e obesidade. Métodos Estudo transversal no Hospital da Mulher, Universidade de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brasil, com 386 mulheres no puerpério mediato, ≥ 19 anos, primeira consulta pré-natal até 14 semanas e cuja gestação resultou em neonato vivo. Os comportamentos relacionados à saúde foram autorreferidos. História psicossocial foi avaliada usando: Escala de Depressão Pós-Parto de Edimburgo (EPDS, na sigla em inglês), Escala de Estresse Percebido (PSS, na sigla em inglês) e Teste de Orientação à Vida-Revisado (LOT-R, na sigla em inglês). Dados sociodemográficos, obstétricos, antropométricos e neonatais foram obtidos dos prontuários médicos. Realizou-se análises descritivas e regressão logística. Resultados A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade foi de 29,27% e de 24,61%, respectivamente. Ganho de peso gestacional excessivo foi observado em 47,79% das mulheres com sobrepeso e em 45,26% das mulheres com obesidade. O consumo inadequado de verduras e feijão (razão de probabilidade [OR] = 2,95; índice de confiança [IC] 95%: 1,35-6,46 e OR = 1,91; IC95%: 1,01-3,63, respectivamente) e estresse (OR = 1,63; IC95%: 1,01-2,64) foram associados ao GPG excessivo em mulheres com sobrepeso e obesidade. Análises ajustadas para idade materna, multiparidade, duração do sono, tabagismo e ingestão de álcool mostraram que o estresse (PSS ≥ 20) associou-se ao GPG excessivo em mulheres com sobrepeso e obesidade (OR = 1.75; 95%CI: 1.03-2.96). Conclusão Entre mulheres com sobrepeso e obesidade, o estresse foi a principal variável associada ao GPG excessivo. O consumo inadequado de verduras e feijão também se associou com o GPG excessivo.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Health Behavior , Obesity/epidemiology , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Pregnancy Complications/psychology , Psychometrics , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Exercise , Demography , Medical Records , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Overweight/etiology , Overweight/psychology , Overweight/epidemiology , Gestational Weight Gain , Obesity/etiology , Obesity/psychology
J. bras. nefrol ; 42(2): 259-263, Apr.-June 2020.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134810


ABSTRACT Introduction: The antiphospholipid syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease defined by recurrent vascular and/or obstetrical morbidity that occurs in patients with persistent antiphospholipid antibodies. Case presentation: A patient on hemodialysis with a primary antiphospholipid syndrome presented with recurrent vascular access thrombosis, obstetrical complications, and positive lupus anticoagulant. The patient had multiple arteriovenous fistulas that failed due to thrombosis. The obstetrical morbidity was defined by one miscarriage at the 7th week of gestation and a pregnancy complicated by pre-eclampsia with preterm delivery at the 28th week of gestation. A thorough thrombophilia screening confirmed the presence of antiphospholipid antibody. Lupus anticoagulant was present in plasma, measured on two occasions 12 weeks apart. Conclusion: Thrombophilias are inherited or acquired predispositions to vascular thrombosis and have been associated with thrombosis of the arteriovenous fistula. Patients on hemodialysis with recurrent vascular access thrombosis and presence of thrombophilia should be evaluated about the need for anticoagulant therapy with a vitamin K antagonist.

RESUMO Introdução: A síndrome antifosfolipídica é uma doença autoimune sistêmica definida por morbidade vascular e/ou obstétrica, recorrente, que acomete pacientes com anticorpos antifosfolípides persistentes. Apresentação do caso: Uma paciente em hemodiálise com síndrome antifosfolípide primária apresentou trombose recorrente do acesso vascular, complicações obstétricas e anticoagulante lúpico positivo. A paciente apresentava múltiplas fístulas arteriovenosas que falharam devido à trombose. A morbidade obstétrica foi definida por um aborto espontâneo na 7ª semana de gestação e uma gravidez complicada por pré-eclâmpsia com parto prematuro na 28ª semana de gestação. Um rastreamento completo de trombofilia confirmou a presença de anticorpo antifosfolípide. O anticoagulante lúpico estava presente no plasma, medido em duas ocasiões, com 12 semanas de intervalo. Conclusão: As trombofilias são predisposições hereditárias ou adquiridas para trombose vascular e têm sido associadas à trombose da fístula arteriovenosa. Pacientes em hemodiálise com trombose recorrente de acesso vascular e presença de trombofilia devem ser avaliados quanto à necessidade de terapia anticoagulante com um antagonista da vitamina K.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Thrombosis/etiology , Arteriovenous Shunt, Surgical/adverse effects , Antiphospholipid Syndrome/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Recurrence , Renal Dialysis , Lupus Coagulation Inhibitor/blood , Antiphospholipid Syndrome/blood
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 18: eAO4851, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039738


ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the pregestational body mass index and weight gain during pregnancy, and to associate data to perinatal outcomes of pregnant women from a Prenatal Care Program. Methods A retrospective study was carried out with 151 patients seen at the Healthy Gestation Program of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein . Data were collected from a medical chart review of the patients seen between March 2015 and March 2016. Results The chance of developing gestational diabetes for obese patients in early gestation was estimated at 7.5-fold as compared to patients with low or normal body mass index. Conclusion There was a significant association between obesity in early pregnancy and the occurrence of gestational diabetes mellitus in this population.

RESUMO Objetivo Analisar o índice de massa corporal pré-gestacional e o ganho de peso na gestação, e associar os dados a desfechos perinatais de gestantes de um Programa de Gestação Saudável. Métodos Estudo retrospectivo realizado com 151 pacientes atendidas no Programa de Gestação Saudável do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. Os dados foram coletados a partir da revisão de prontuário das pacientes atendidas entre março de 2015 e março de 2016. Resultados A chance de desenvolvimento de diabetes gestacional para as pacientes com obesidade no início da gestação foi estimada em 7,5 vezes a mesma chance entre as pacientes com índice de massa corporal baixo ou normal no início da gravidez. Conclusão Houve associação significativa entre obesidade no início da gravidez e a ocorrência de diabetes mellitus gestacional nesta população.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Weight Gain , Overweight/epidemiology , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Prenatal Care , Body Mass Index , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Diabetes, Gestational/etiology , Diabetes, Gestational/epidemiology
Med. interna (Caracas) ; 36(2): 91-97, 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1140293


Determinar el conocimiento de los trabajadores de la salud (TS) sobre diferentes aspectos de la enfermedad COVID-19 en embarazadas. Métodos: Para ello elaboramos una encuesta utilizando la escala de Likert, la cual fue distribuida por las redes sociales durante 8 días, en el mes de abril de 2020. Resultados: La encuesta fue respondida por 617 TS, con edad de predominio en el rango de 51 a 60 años, 33.8 % hombres y mujeres 66.2 %; la mayoría venezolanos 92.2 %; de profesión gineco-obstetras 25.5 %, médicos generales 13.3 %, internistas 7.7 % y perinatólogos 6.1 %, entre otros TS. Más del 70 % de los TS respondió correctamente la pregunta sobre las manifestaciones clínicas del COVID-19 en la gestante, en contraste con la asertividad sobre el aborto, mortalidad materna y prematuridad, la cual fue sólo de 40 % o menos. Este es el primer estudio realizado en Venezuela sobre este tópico(AU)

to determine the knowledge of health care workers (HCW) about different aspects of COVID-19 in pregnant women; Methods: we carried out a survey using the Likert scale, which was distributed by social networks for 8 days in April 2020. Results: The survey was answered by 617 HCW, with a predominant age range of 51 to 60 years with 33.8%, women 66.2%, Venezuelan 92. 2%. Obstetrician-gynecologists 25.5%, general practitioners 13.3%, internists 7.7% and perinatologists 6.1%, More than 70% of the TS answered assertively the question about the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 in the pregnant woman in contrast to the assertiveness about abortion, maternal mortality and prematurity which was 40% or less. This is the first study carried out in Venezuela on this subject(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Health Personnel , Coronavirus Infections/complications , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Security Measures , Public Health , Telemedicine
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 23: e200037, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101597


RESUMO: Objetivos: Estimar a prevalência e caracterizar a ocorrência de dor lombar gestacional (DLG), dor na cintura pélvica posterior (DCPP) e dor na sínfise púbica (DSP) entre gestantes residentes em Rio Grande, RS. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado com todas as puérperas com parto em 2016. Foram utilizadas duas figuras para investigar a presença de DLG, DCPP e DSP de forma isolada ou combinada. Regressão logística multinomial foi usada para avaliar os fatores associados a cada sintoma. Resultados: DLG foi referida por 42,2% das entrevistadas, DSP por 4,9%, e DCPP por 2%, enquanto DLG + DSP por 9%, DLG + DCPP por 2,8%, DCPP + DSP por 1,1% e dor nas três regiões por 3,9% delas. Quanto maior era a idade da gestante, menor foi o risco de DLG e de DLG combinada a uma das regiões da cintura pélvica e maior o risco de DCPP + DSP. Depressão na gestação aumentou o risco de todas as combinações dos sintomas. Conclusão: Este estudo realizou uma descrição mais detalhada da ocorrência dos desfechos avaliados e de seus fatores associados. Estudos como este são raros no país, sobretudo com baixas taxas de perdas e recusas. A elevada prevalência dos sintomas avaliados sugere que sua investigação seja rotineira nas consultas de pré-natal, atendo-se a idade das gestantes, sintomas depressivos e a dores combinadas e intensas.

ABSTRACT: Objectives: To estimate the prevalence and characterize the occurrence of low back pain (LBP), posterior pelvic girdle pain (PPGP) and pubic symphysis pain (PSP) among pregnant women resident in Rio Grande, RS. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of all postpartum women who gave birth in 2016. Two pictures were used to investigate the presence of LBP, PPGP and PSP, both isolated and combined. Multinomial logistic regression was used to evaluate the factors associated with each symptom. Results: LBP was reported by 42.2%, PSP by 4.9%, and PPGP by 2%, while LBP + PSP was reported by 9%, LBP and PPGP by 2.8% and PPGP + PSP by 1.1%, and pain in all three regions was reported by 3.9% of the sample. The more advanced the age of the pregnant women, the risk for LBP and of LBP combined with one of the pelvic girdle regions was reduced, while the risk for PPGP + PSP was increased. Depression during pregnancy increased the risk for all symptom combinations. Conclusion: This study provided a detailed description of the occurrence of the evaluated outcomes and its associated factors. Studies like this are rare in Brazil, especially a census with low rates of losses and refusals. The high prevalence of the evaluated symptoms suggests that it should be investigated routinely in prenatal care, taking into account the age of the pregnant women, depressive symptoms and those experiencing combined or intense pain.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Pubic Symphysis , Low Back Pain/epidemiology , Arthralgia/epidemiology , Pelvic Girdle Pain/epidemiology , Lumbar Vertebrae , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Pain Measurement , Brazil/epidemiology , Logistic Models , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Gestational Age , Low Back Pain/etiology , Arthralgia/etiology , Depression/complications , Depression/epidemiology , Pelvic Girdle Pain/etiology
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(8): 1078-1081, ago. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058646


Acute pancreatitis during pregnancy is uncommon and usually associated with gallstones. However other etiologies must be considered. We report a 24 years old woman with a 32 weeks pregnancy consulting for abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. She had elevated lipase and amylase levels, a corrected serum calcium of 13.1 mg/dl and a serum phosphate of 1.6 mg/dl. A magnetic resonance colangiopancreatography showed an enlarged pancreas with inflammatory changes and a normal Wirsung duct. A parathyroid nodule was found on cervical ultrasonography. The patient was treated initially with cinacalcet with partial response. A parathyroidectomy was performed at 39 weeks of pregnancy with a good maternal and fetal evolution.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Pancreatitis/etiology , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Hypercalcemia/complications , Pancreatitis/surgery , Pancreatitis/diagnostic imaging , Parathyroid Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Complications/surgery , Adenoma/diagnostic imaging , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Parathyroidectomy/methods , Treatment Outcome , Cholangiopancreatography, Magnetic Resonance/methods
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(6): 709-717, jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020719


Background: Pregnancies in women with end stage renal failure are uncommon. However, correction of anemia and improvement in dialysis techniques increases the rate of successful pregnancies. Aim: To describe a 16 years' experience treating pregnant women on hemodialysis and to analyze maternal-fetal outcomes. Materials and Methods: Observational study of a dialysis center historical cohort in a university hospital, between 2001 and 2016. Results: Thirteen pregnancies were found in 11 women aged 23 to 32 years, 77% on dialysis prior to pregnancy. Residual diuresis was 1,300 [625-1,575] mL in 24 hrs. The baseline hemoglobin was 9.0 [7.6-9.9] g/dL and 92% of patients did not use contraception. The pre-dialysis blood urea nitrogen was 34 [29-36] mg /dL. An ultrasound to confirm pregnancy was done in all. At 23 [14-25] weeks of pregnancy, dialysis hours were increased, reaching 24 [19.5-24.0] hours per week. The most common complications were severe arterial hypertension (54%), severe anemia (46%), polyhydramnios (31%) and severe intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) (23%). The median time of pregnancy at delivery was 34 [29-34] weeks. Neonatal median hospitalization length was 4 [4-32] days, with 18% of neonatal deaths. Conclusions: Pregnancies in dialysis are no longer exceptional. Despite better maternal and fetal outcomes, morbidity and mortality remains higher than in the normal population, which makes multidisciplinary management essential.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Pregnancy Outcome , Renal Dialysis/statistics & numerical data , Time Factors , Cesarean Section/statistics & numerical data , Risk Factors , Gestational Age , Renal Dialysis/adverse effects , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Kidney Failure, Chronic/complications , Kidney Failure, Chronic/therapy
Prensa méd. argent ; 105(3): 130-137, may 2019. fig, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1025428


Trichomonas vaginalis (T. vaginalis), the etiologic agent of human trichomoniasis, is a flagellated protozoan parasite, has been associated sith advese pregnancy outcomes, HIV transmission, and infertilityh. A total of one hundred and fifty-seven (157) women at childbearing age (14-49 years), were included in the presnt study, eighty six (86) symptomatic fertile while the other seventy-one (71) were infertile with or without sumptoms attending the Gynecology outpatient Department in Al-Emamayn Al-Kadhimayn Medical City, the High Institute of Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technoligies at Al-Nahrain University in Baghdad, the maternity Teaching hospital, and Dr. Khawer center for infertility and IVF in Erbil province in Iraq. Two vaginal swab specimens were obtained from each of them:; one swab was immediately examined by wet mount microscopy, the other swab for molecular study (DNA extraction and p3 nested PCR). One hundred (100) samples positive in one or more test were identified: 20 (12.7%) infecions were detected by wet mount microscopy, while nested PCR was positive in 100 (63.7%) samples. These positive samples were seguenced and phylogenetic tree were done and, there was no association between the variations in glut (p3) gene of T. vaginalis isolated from infected women (fertile and infertile)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Specimen Handling/classification , Trichomonas Infections/etiology , Trichomonas vaginalis/genetics , Alleles , Fertility , Glutaminase/genetics , Infertility, Female
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 35(12): e00222218, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055590


The early neonatal period accounts for approximately half of the deaths of young children under one year of age, and the neonatal near miss can recognize factors causing this high number of deaths. Thus, the aim of this study is to determine whether advanced maternal age increases the chance of neonatal near miss, in addition is to identify which factors are associated with the neonatal near miss, stratified by parity. Data are from the 2011-2012 Birth in Brazil study, which used a national population-based sample of 15,092 newborns of women between 20-29 and 35 years of age or more (advanced maternal age). Multiple logistic regression was performed to test the association between neonatal near miss and prenatal and childbirth variables, pre-gestational diseases, obstetric history and socioeconomic characteristics, stratified by parity. Advanced maternal age was to be statistically associated with neonatal near miss in nulliparous (OR = 1.62; 95%CI: 1.05-2.50) and multiparous (OR = 1.51; 95%CI: 1.20-1.91) when compared to women 20-29 years of age. For nulliparous women, the main variables statistically associated with neonatal near miss were multiple gestation (OR = 8.91) and hypertensive disease (OR = 2.57), whereas forceps-assisted vaginal delivery (OR = 7.19) and multiple gestation (OR = 4.47) were the variables associated for multiparous women. Neonatal near miss has been shown to be connected with access to health services for childbirth, gestational complications and maternal characteristics, mainly advanced maternal age. Therefore, to properly monitor and classify maternal gestational risk, to control gestational complications during prenatal care, and to correctly refer these women to childbirth care should be priority strategies for healthcare services.

O período neonatal precoce representa cerca da metade dos óbitos em crianças com menos de um ano de idade, e o near miss neonatal é capaz de identificar os fatores responsáveis por esse número elevado de mortes. Portanto, o estudo procurou investigar se a idade materna avançada aumenta a probabilidade de near miss neonatal, além de identificar os fatores associados ao near miss neonatal, estratificados por paridade. Os dados foram obtidos do estudo Nascer no Brasil de 2011-2012, que usou uma amostra representativa da população nacional com 15.092 recém-nascidos de mães com 20-29 anos de idade e com 35 anos ou mais (idade materna avançada). Foi usado um modelo de regressão logística multivariada para testar a associação entre near miss neonatal e variáveis do pré-natal e do parto, doenças pré-gestacionais, história obstétrica e características socioeconômicas, estratificadas por paridade. A idade materna avançada mostrou estar associada estatisticamente com o near miss neonatal em mulheres nulíparas (OR = 1,62; IC95%: 1,05-2,50) e multíparas (OR = 1,51; IC95%: 1,20-1,91) comparado com mulheres com 20-29 anos de idade. Entre as mulheres nulíparas, as principais variáveis associadas estatisticamente com o near miss neonatal foram a gestação múltipla (OR = 8,91) e doença hipertensiva (OR = 2,57), enquanto o parto vaginal com uso de fórceps (OR = 7,19) e gestação múltipla (OR = 4,47) foram as variáveis associadas em mulheres multíparas. O near miss neonatal mostrou estar relacionado ao acesso aos serviços obstétricos, complicações gestacionais e características maternas, principalmente idade materna avançada. Portanto, monitorar e classificar adequadamente o risco gestacional, controlar as complicações gestacionais durante o atendimento pré-natal e encaminhar essas mulheres corretamente para o atendimento no parto devem ser estratégias prioritárias para os serviços de saúde.

El periodo neonatal temprano cuenta con aproximadamente la mitad de muertes de niños pequeños con una edad inferior a un año, y la near miss neonatal puede identificar factores que causan este número elevado de muertes. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio es determinar si una edad avanzada maternal incrementa la oportunidad de near miss neonatal, además de identificar qué factores están asociados con la near miss neonatal, estratificada por paridad. Los datos son del 2011-2012, procedentes del estudio Nacer en Brasil, que utilizó una muestra nacional basada en población, compuesta por 15.092 recién nacidos de mujeres entre 20-29 y 35 años de edad o más (edad avanzada maternal). Se realizó una regresión múltiple logística para probar la asociación entre near miss neonatal y las variables prenatales, y de nacimiento de niños, enfermedades pregestacionales, historial obstétrico y características socioeconómicas, estratificada por paridad. La edad avanzada maternal estuvo estadísticamente asociada con near miss neonatal en nulíparas (OR = 1,62; 95%CI: 1,05-2,50) y multíparas (OR = 1,51; 95%CI: 1,20-1,91), cuando se compara con mujeres de 20-29 años de edad. Para las mujeres nulíparas, las principales variables estadísticamente asociadas con near miss neonatal fueron múltiple gestación (OR = 8,91) y enfermedad hipertensiva (OR = 2,57), mientras que el parto vaginal con apoyo de fórceps (OR = 7,19) y la gestación múltiple (OR = 4,47) fueron las variables asociadas para mujeres multíparas. Near miss neonatal ha demostrado estar relacionada con el acceso a servicios de salud para el parto, complicaciones gestacionales y características maternas, principalmente edad avanzada maternal. Por consiguiente, debería ser una estrategia prioritaria en los servicios de salud supervisar adecuadamente y clasificar el riesgo maternal gestacional, así como las complicaciones en el control gestacional durante el cuidado prenatal, al igual que dirigir correctamente a estas mujeres a cuidados para el parto.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Maternal Age , Near Miss, Healthcare/statistics & numerical data , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Prenatal Care , Socioeconomic Factors , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Gestational Age